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Thursday, 30 July 2009

BORRing Day

Gt a bad COUGH. Did not go to school yesterday and today.
I wanted to go to school but my mum says
"Frans u need to rest more". So made a choice and did not go to school
Wondering if every 1 is having fun at school right NOW.
But if i did go to school today i cant take PE. DUE TO MY COUGH!!
Well Woke up at around 10.30A.M+. Nothing to do
So listened some songs. Fell asleep again until 11 A.M. LOLZ =.="
After i woke up went to on my laptop then went to brush my teeth

Went to play game. But FOUND IT BORING!!!!!
So i got nothing to do i just started to change my BLOG TemPlate, Edited it
And started writing About 2day.

I gt in a fight with my mother and my mother took my laptop
coz i plying to long and listening to music so loud
then got into alot of fights. blahblahblah
then went to chat with frens
went to eat
then bath
and sleep lolz

Frans Bled For YOU At 20:36


Monday, 27 July 2009


Wa 2day very tired + sian. My house nthing to do much if i wn go down

cnt coz very borring i wn go out also 1 person where gt fun lolz.

I 2day in school Emo siah. I never eat coz of my Home Econs

cook the food till like cn die 1. So i never eat i EMO outside my classroom.

Wa 2day nthing much to write larh.

Frans Bled For YOU At 04:13


Saturday, 25 July 2009

Nthing to say much

Haiz today so borring nothing much to do. i wake at around 8+ then i went to sms a fren =D.

I on my laptop next thing i knw my mother scolded me,

coz i wake up go on my laptop so fast =.=".

i went to bath wash my face go bursh teeth. then plyed games.

But its still borring i wnt to go out but singapore is a small country nthing much to do.

Well 2day is a borring day thatz all lolz~

Frans Bled For YOU At 00:39


Friday, 24 July 2009

Wat i hate

I hate SOME GIRLS FROM MY CLASS. Every time scream at a boy when they see +

they get jelouse and like to scold some of my class mates i fell like hitting them but


dnt wn coz i dnt wn to fight bck i juz tell the teacher. 2day ncc 1 girl keep shouting

over 1 boy sianz siah all say STOP LOOKING AT HIM LARH I KNW U LIKE HIM

THEN BLAHBLAHBLAH (More trash). I hate stalkers arhh!!!!!!! only knw how to

follow us even we go eat at kfc also wan follow go buy sweet talk also wn go follow wa

lao i hate this ppl who has no life and nothing better to do the stalk us!!!!!!!!!! 2day

ncc like shit so lame must sit down for dnt knw how many hours coz my ankle pain.

Frans Bled For YOU At 04:44


Thursday, 2 July 2009


Today is my a nice day coz 1 of my classmates birthday =D.

Today is a super borring day nothing much to do in school

Frans Bled For YOU At 05:10


Wednesday, 1 July 2009


Wa today ncc day very tired using full uniform whole day sian arh! Well 2morrow 1 of

my classmates Birthday and the person is i like =D. Hope she have a good time in her

birthday. Anyway 2day about ncc day, we all came to school around like 7.00 in the

mornning then we went to change after that we went back our class.

Frans Bled For YOU At 01:12


-->Cut My SOUL<--

[Tag be4 u leave]

-->My Blood<--

Name: Frans
Age: 14
School: CTSS
Hate noisy ppl

1. No spamming
2. tag be4 u leave write down ur link and ur real name.
dont like it get out of my blog

-->My Frens<--

+ Andrea +
+ Kelvin +
+ grace tung +
+ Amirul +
+ Kimberly +
+ Grace Lee +
+ liling +
+ Rui Min +
+ Clarissa +
+ Jing wen +
+ put your links here +
+ put your links here +
+ put your links here +


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